We are a company based in Uruguay and a subsidiary in the United States, dedicated to the research of plant extracts. Our studies are conducted in collaboration with the Department of Life Sciences and Oncology of Ben-Gurion University, one of the most important scientific research departments in Israel.
This Department is also globally recognized, collaborating with the best reference centers in several countries such as Switzerland, the United States and Australia.
Osigma is committed to research to make significant discoveries that contribute to improving health and saving lives.

First-Hand Information on Our New Product Breakthrough

We are thrilled to share first-hand information with you about our latest research development, which has culminated in a fascinating product. This outcome is the result of five extensive years of scientific study and various other types of research, comprehensively described below.

It is important to highlight that we have already submitted a detailed 120-page technical document to the FDA for a product that is entirely unprecedented in their records. After following up with the agency’s technical team, we have been informed that it is technically pre-approved for human use. The final approval is expected within a matter of weeks!

About Us

Our company is dedicated to the research of plant extracts for their application in human and animal health.
A multidisciplinary team is commited and dedicated to covering various stages, from field work and product manufacturing to research.
Currently, our research team is led by a renowned scientist from Ben-Gurion University in Israel, Professor Varda Shoshan-Barmatz, who is specializing in cancer research.

Professor Varda Shoshan-Barmatz

2 Nominations for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Life Sciences.

Professor of Molecular Physiology in the Department of Life Sciences and Hyman-Kreitman Professor in Bioenergetics at the BEN-GURION University of Israel.

Prof. Shoshan-Barmatz was the founder of the National Institute of Biotechnology in the Negev (NIBN), serving as its director for 10 years.

She has received several awards, including the Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Founder’s Award in recognition of her pioneering scientific achievements in research aimed at providing cancer treatment.

She earned a PhD in Biochemistry from the Weizmann Institute of Science and conducted her postdoctoral studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, and the University of Toronto.

Pro Apoptotic and Anti-Cancer Activity In a Plant Extract

As a result of research by the team led by Prof. Varda Soshan-Barmatz, this article has been published in the prestigious scientific journal MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute).

U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 63/435,684

Berne Treaty: Certificate of Invention

The Berne Treaty is an international treaty focused on copyright protection. Its first text was signed on September 9, 1886, in Bern (Switzerland). It has been completed and revised on several occasions, and was last amended on September 28, 1979. As of March 2018, 176 states are parties of the Convention.

Toxicity Study

This study, in accordance with ISO 10993-11, evaluated our plant extract in CD-1 mice using repeated oral gavage dosing. It complied with FDA Good Laboratory Practices, guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the results.

Complementary studies

Sao Paulo Study

Study on the aerial parts of the plant Vernonanthura nudiflora. The researchers carried out a detailed analysis of the chemical components of the plant and evaluated its antiproliferative and antioxidant properties. The results of the study are significant.

Cordoba Study

Academic study on the investigation of reproduction and cultivation of the species Vernonanthura nudiflora and Lessingianthus mollissimus. It includes detailed information on its botanical description, natural habitat, behavior in an artificial environment and response to domestication techniques.

MEV Monograph

MEV has beneficial health properties, especially in the treatment of cancer, and has no side effects or interactions with other medications. The study was led by Dr. Bernardo Udaquiola and his multidisciplinary team.

Pro-Apoptotic and Anti-Cancer Activity of the Vernonanthura Nudiflora Hydroethanolic Extract

This study was published in

View article Here 

The Times of Israel against cancer

A research team at Ben-Gurion University in Israel has discovered antitumor properties in plant extracts in studies of cell cultures and murine models. The plant extract has been shown to be effective in inhibiting tumor growth and eliminating cancer cells. The team plans to conduct human trials in the future.
